Agenda - Plenary

Meeting Venue:

Y Siambr - Y Senedd

Meeting date:
Tuesday, 7 February 2023

Meeting time: 13.30




This meeting will be held in a hybrid format, with some Members in the Senedd Chamber and others joining by video-conference.



1       Questions to the First Minister

(45 mins)                                                                                                         

The Presiding Officer has received notification, under Standing Order 12.58, that the Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd will answer questions on behalf of the First Minister.

The Presiding Officer will call Party Leaders to ask questions without notice to the First Minister after Question 2.

View Questions



2       Business Statement and Announcement

(30 mins)                                                                                                         

View Business Statement and Announcement



3       Statement by the Deputy Minister for Social Partnership: The LGBTQ+ Action Plan

(30 mins)                                                                                                         



4       Debate: The Draft Budget 2023-24

(120 mins)                                                                                                       

NDM8194 Lesley Griffiths (Wrexham)

To propose that the Senedd, in accordance with Standing Order 20.12:

Notes the Draft Budget for the financial year 2023-24 laid in the Table Office by the Minister for Finance and Local Government on 13 December 2022.

The following amendments were tabled:

Amendment 1 Darren Millar (Clwyd West)

Add as new point at end of motion:

Believes that the Welsh Government’s Draft Budget 2023-24 fails to deliver on the priorities of the people of Wales.

Amendment 2 Siân Gwenllian (Arfon)

Add as new point at end of motion:

Calls on Welsh Government to increase the basic rate of tax by 1 pence, the higher rate by of tax by 2 pence, and the additional rate of tax by 3 pence for the purpose of increasing the budget available to deal with the health and care crisis and provide financial help for people in the greatest need.

Supporting Documents
Report of the Economy, Trade, and Rural Affairs Committee
Report of the Health and Social Care Committee
Report of the Children, Young People and Education Committee
Report of the Climate Change, Environment and Infrastructure Committee
Report of the Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport, and International Relations Committee
Report of the Finance Committee
Report of the Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee



Proposal under Standing Order 12.24 to debate items 5 and 6 together but with separate votes (60 mins)




5       The general principles of the Agriculture (Wales) Bill


NDM8197 Lesley Griffiths (Wrexham)

To propose that the Senedd, in accordance with Standing Order 26.11:

Agrees to the general principles of the Agriculture (Wales) Bill.

The Agriculture (Wales) Bill and Explanatory Memorandum were laid before the Senedd on 26 September 2022.

The report of the Economy, Trade and Rural Affairs Committee on the Agriculture (Wales) Bill was laid before the Senedd on 27 January 2023.

Supporting Documents
Report of the Finance Committee
Report of the Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee



6       The financial resolution in respect of the Agriculture (Wales) Bill


NDM8198 Lesley Griffiths (Wrexham)

To propose that the Senedd, for the purposes of any provisions resulting from the Agriculture (Wales) Bill, agrees to any increase in expenditure of a kind referred to in Standing Order 26.69, arising in consequence of the Bill.



7       Voting Time




The Senedd will sit again in Plenary at 13.30, Wednesday, 8 February 2023



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